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Whether you’re getting a new garage door or repairing your existing one, hiring a reputable and reliable contractor is important. After all, an inferior installation or shoddy repair job is the last thing you need, as you might end up paying more to address the problems. Let us help you narrow down your list of potential contractors for your garage doors in Cleveland, Ohio.

Garage doors

Bonded, Insured and Licensed

Unfortunately, the garage door industry doesn’t require trade licensing in Ohio — or across the board, for that matter. Ensure that the state or municipality performs a thorough search, as a contractor could have a license, but it may or may not be for working on garage doors.

Lacking a trade license, a trustworthy contractor should be able to provide proof of bond and/or insurance. A “bonded” contractor means you are financially protected if a contractor performs a poor job or doesn’t finish it at all. Meanwhile, insurance means you won’t be liable in case of work-related injuries within the premises — workers and non-workers alike.

Physical Address

A garage door contractor who can’t provide their physical address should immediately raise red flags. Even today, there are still those who will suddenly pop up in an area, offering low-cost repairs and installations, then disappear quickly. A brick-and-mortar place of business, preferably near your home, means you can visit their showroom. There, you can view their paperwork, and view actual samples of their garage doors in Cleveland.

Read Reviews

Most contractors publish customer feedback on their websites, which is not a bad thing. But don’t let that be your only source. Check websites like Angie’s List, Yelp and Google Plus for customer feedback. If the comments more or less corroborate the ones on their website, they just may be the contractor to hire.

Lastly, if you have a neighbor who had recently hired the same contractor, ask them how the service and quality of their Cleveland garage doors. Better yet, ask them if you can see the garage door for yourself.

Automatic Garage Door Company takes pride in our timely, efficient, clean and friendly service. We take pride in our honest service and in our integrity. If you want to know more about our garage door services, call us today at (330) 626-3311 or fill out our contact form.