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5 Causes of Common Garage Door Problems

In our 30 years of servicing garage doors in Northeast Ohio, we’ve come across with just about every imaginable garage door-related problem. Knowing what causes garage door problems could save you a lot of time and effort. It could be a simple remote control battery replacement or a major issue that requires a Cleveland garage door repair job.

When the damage is too significant, you can always count on Automatic Garage Door Company to take care of the problem. Here are five causes of common garage door problems that we’ve come across:

1. Dead Transmitter Batteries

By far the most common, this can be easily remedied by a fresh set of batteries. Make a note of when you replaced the battery. This will give you an idea when to get new ones. Alternatively, invest in two sets of rechargeable batteries — one set for use, another on reserve — if the transmitter consumes batteries quickly.

2. Misalignment and Dirt

Photo eyes are sensors on either side of the garage door, which works the same way as infrared security beams, but instead of triggering an alarm when broken, it simply prevents the garage door from closing. Misaligned or dirty photo eyes can prevent the garage door from closing. Be sure to contact the expert in garage door repair in Cleveland. At Automatic Garage Door Company, we can provide the necessary emergency service.

3. Faulty Tension Springs

These are connected to the counterweights. If left unattended, they can prevent your garage doors from opening, or force it to close too hard and too fast.

4. Debris

Having this problem in the garage door tracks or mechanism can prevent your door from opening or closing all the way. Make sure the tracks are clean and nothing is caught in the tracks. You can gently scape off dirt or grime you find there.

5. Garage Doors That Randomly Open and Close

This does not necessarily mean your transmitter and/or receiver is faulty. Start with your transmitter — perhaps you’re placing it where something could be pressing the open/close button. It could be the batteries need a replacement. Contact us for our garage door repair in Cleveland, Ohio, if the problem still persists.

Regardless of your garage door problem, Automatic Garage Door Company has the solution. Call us today at (330) 626-3311 or fill out our form.

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