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The Right Stuff: Understanding Garage Door Materials

For many people, the choice of what material their garage door is made from is a matter of taste. There are those that like the old, “classic” look and feel of wood, while others swear by the raw strength and modernity of steel. More than just how they look, however, your choice of material can mean the difference between more instances of Cleveland garage door repair and lower maintenance costs. It’s important to be aware of the differences in order to strike the perfect balance.


If the big thing you’re looking for in a garage door is durability, you go for steel: it’s extremely tough, resistant to the weather, and free from the vulnerabilities that wood is exposed to. In terms of security, steel is a very good material to bank on—it withstands the test of time and is decidedly low-maintenance. On the downside, steel can may not be described as “elegant” and can cost more than other materials. Left unmaintained, steel also has a tendency to rust over time.


Whether you’re going for cedar, mahogany, or hardwood, many people go for this material because it creates a very warm and welcome feel. You can get it unfinished, stained, or painted and still have a different classy look each time. Although durable, wood requires more maintenance than most other materials, especially if you live in an area that can be exposed to harsh weather.


Lightweight and invulnerable to rust, aluminum is another popular option as a garage door material. Its relatively lighter weight also means that less mechanical power is required to automate it, resulting in greater overall savings. Where aluminum falters somewhat is in physical durability—it’s a material that’s likely to be dented and bent over the years. The good news is that while its appearance might grow battered over time, it isn’t likely to break easily.

The choice of material ultimately depends on your tastes and your needs. That’s why we suggest you give us a call at Automatic Garage Door Company. Not only can we help tailor your garage door to suit your needs, but we also provide support for replacement and garage door repair in Cleveland, especially in case of emergencies when your family’s security is at stake.

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